A few unexpected twists and bumps in the road this year made streamlining feel like a good idea. Five rams in 2021 was a lot of work and simplifying will be nice. We will use three rams in 2022.
Firefly Hollow 2552 Lamborghini
Kind Horn 259 ‘Whitman’
Kind Horn 237 ‘Huckleberry’
In typical fashion, I’ll do my best to tell you more then you ever wanted to know about them.

I liked everything about this ram when we he came to us last fall. He has excellent confirmation, good muscling, a wide enough horn set not to be a problem, fleece that is fine, wavy and grows quickly. He holds weight easily. He’s 195 lbs. He’s well proportioned and ‘square’ to the eye. His temperament is so laidback it took me a while not to worry that his natural lethargy might be illness. We now know it’s just Whitman. He is easy to handle and gets along very well with the rest of the flock. He was born in Vermont and lived in upper Michigan. I was waiting anxiously to see how he’d handle the heat, humidity and parasites. He passed with flying colors, requiring no special assistance. I kept nearly all his ewe lambs from last spring. 70% of his lambs were ewes and they are showing thick legs, wide chests, mostly smooth shoulders and nice top lines. Whitman carries 84% Al
genetics from: Salamon, Blettur, Rektor,
Gaddur, Moli from the dam. Vali, Goli,
Dropi, Grani, Hylur, Munkur, Bambi,
Flotti, Udi, Grimur ,Sponn plus a little
Morro, Noi, and Molur from the sire.


A flashy SGGM yearling who is taking the place of his sire and grandsire. He is long-bodied with a strong top line. His confirmation is well balanced and pleasing to the eye, but far from beefy. His fleece is well above average and reaches back to two longtime Midwest flocks focused on excellent fiber. His horn set is perfect, very wide. His temperament is average. He is respectful of humans but gives as good as he gets when it comes to other rams. His parasite resistance was superb as a lamb and yearling. He required no assistance this summer and his FAMACHA scores were perfect. He is midsized at 168 lbs going into breeding, and being breed to larger ewes in an effort to keep bulking up our SGGM fiber line.