A wise shepherd told me that the glitz of fancy rams wears off and you realize that although their contribution is important- it is the ewes that decide if you succeed or fail. It is also the ewes who dictate if you’re the calm capable shepherd of your dreams, or an exhausted crazy-eyed shepherd. Ewes are the foundation, the backbone, of any operation and the difference between a wonderful summer and a brutal one is often on them.
I chose my ewe team carefully.
I need ewes who can handle the severe cold and the severe heat and humidity.
I need ewes who can barn or pasture lamb.
I need ewes who love their lambs the second they arrive.
I need ewes with teats that are easy for lambs to grasp.
I need milky ewes for fast lamb growth.
I need ewes who twin.
I need ewes who lamb unassisted.
I need ewes with extremely strong parasite resistance who require little to no chemical dewormer.
I need ewes who listen and cooperate so I can move them alone easily.
I need ewes who respect 3 strand fences and electronet.
I need ewes with wide horns.
I need ewes with fabulous fleece.
I need ewes with quality confirmation, good teeth, and hard feet who can handle 7-9 lambings.
I need ewes who are thrifty and thrive on an entirely grass fed diet.
I need ewes who can hold their conditioning and be ready to breed after a hot, humid summer.
I think that’s about it.
20 of the 23 bred ewes retained for 2023 Lambs. Click on the photo to learn more or contact us with questions.